
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy winter solstice to all !


Hi all, I know that I have been MIA for a while, too much was going on for the last 2 months.
I am glad to annouce that the major breakthru for me for this year was, I finally completed my maiden marathon on 17th November 2013! It took me grueling 5:52 hours to cross finishing line, however I felt really pleased that I had finally done it!
Just a week after the race, I took a break to spend 2 weeks long holiday to Northen Thailand with my family. After the holiday, I was busy with office works, citing now is year end and too much reporting needed for year end closing.
In addition, our high school is organising 30th alumni dinner on 28th December and I was asked to help to  compile old school photos into video presentations. I had been burning quite a number of mid nights oil in doing this task.   
I will share more on Thailand food later once I get back to my routine.
Tomorrow is the day that Chinese celebrate Winter Solstice - 冬至.  To many Chinese this day is really important day, another big reunion day.  One of the must dessert to celebrate this day is - Tangyuan ( Sweet Glutinous Dumplings) 汤圆 .

These are the Tangyuan which Auntie Lan and hubby had just finished shaping hours ago. We will let them air dry overnight before boiling them tomorrow and turn them into a delicious sweet glutinous dumpling soup. :-) 

Are you ready to have a bowl tomorrow too?
Wish to know how to get a QQ Tang yuan, check out my old recipe here:
这是新鲜出炉的糯米粉圓,现把它风干一晚, 明天把它煮一煮,再加上甜汤, 就是一级棒的湯圓啦! 想吃QQ的湯圓吗?

Tang Yuan (Sweet Glutinous Dumplings ) 汤圆
The blue coloring is natural coloring from a type of flower commonly found in Malaysia - bunga Telang.