
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dinners on the road - Part 1

Simple and fast dinners on the run

We celebrated 2011 with our grand finale tour to New Zealand South Island on 1st Jan 2011. Together with auntie Ah Lan, we hit the road with our first stop at Lake Taupo. This was a 3 weeks long vacation so you could imagine how many things we packed in our car boot to go along with us.

Other than clothes, one of the important items that we had packed in was our rice cooker! Yes, you read me right, it was rice cooker. Hubby was a typical Chinese who couldn't do away with a meal of rice at all. But, in actual fact rice cooker was very useful to us on the road as traveling in New Zealand it was wise to do your own cooking, as you wouldn't want to eat fast food or fish and chips all the time especially in smaller towns where there were not many options of Asian food.

Below were some of the meals which we had for the first few nights at Lake Taupo and KaiKoura.
Home cooked dinner @ Birchland Taupo Motel
Assam Snapper Curry

Fried Udon using electric pan @ Comfort Inn Kaikoura

Fried Udon with Chorizo n Prawns


  1. Everything looks amazing!
    Happy New Year!

  2. YYiiinnn.... why your cook always make me droolliinngg.. ! OMG, Today I miss my "rujak" that I couldn't find (make it)...and I saw your post ... sssgggghhh :p

  3. Fabulous idea! I am so taking the electric skillet on my next road trip! A great way to eat right while on the road....also beats peanut butter sandwiches 3 weeks in a row.
