
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hong Kong Style Sausage Rolls 港式肠仔包

Tangzhong bread again?

I was kind of into baking these days as I was trying to clear my pantry as much as possible seeing I have another bag of high grade flour (bread flour) and sugar to get rid of. J

This is the second version of sausage rolls I had made. In the first version, I used sweet bun dough recipe which I extracted from my first baking book by Agnes Chang that I shared here. The following recipe used Tangzhong (Water Roux) method which I adapted from Christine's Recipes. Christine is my mentor in Tanzhong bread making. I had also introduced the same Tangzhong bread making technique in my previous bread making posts for whole meal bread and cottony toast bread.

Again I hand kneaded my bread dough. I was pleased to see the dough nicely doubled after two hours. It gave me confidence to expect a nice batch of fresh breads for dinner that night.

True enough, another batch of soft and fluffily textured sausage rolls out from oven just in time for dinner J
Hong Kong Style Sausage Rolls港式肠仔包
Wanna have a bite? Incredibly cottony-soft bread texture, just yum!

Featured in Group Recipe - 19/03/2011


8 Frankfurt sausages or any kind to your liking
350 gm high grade flour (bread flour )
55 gm caster sugar
5 gm salt
7 gm milk powder (optional)
5 to 6 gm instant dry yeast
1 egg
100-125 ml milk (slowly add in, stop adding if dough too gooey)
120 gm Tangzhong (refer here for making tanzhong)
30 gm butter ( softened at room temperature)

  1. Combine all dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar and instant yeast in a bowl. Make a well in the center.
  2. Whisk and combine wet ingredients: egg and Tangzhong, then pour into the well of the dry ingredients. Slowly add in milk.  
  3. Knead until you get a dough shape and gluten has developed about 10-15 minutes (hand knead), and then knead in the butter.
  4. If you hand knead like I do, do expect to deal with gooey dough at this stage. You can opt for bread maker if you have one.
  5. Keep kneading until the dough is smooth, not sticky and elastic. The time of kneading depends on how hard and fast you knead. I used to set the timer to 15 minutes to monitor my kneading time.
  6. Test if the dough is ready by stretching the dough with two hands. If it forms a thin "membrane" that's very elastic in texture. That means you have successfully kneaded the dough to a perfect stage.
  7. If you use bread maker then add wet ingredients into bread maker first, then followed by the dry ingredients. The yeast is the last to add.
  8. Knead the dough into a ball shape. Place in a greased bowl and cover with a wet towel or cling wrap.
  9. Let it proof till it's doubled in size, about 2 hours. Use finger to test doneness. Poke in and if finger impression remains, this confirms the dough is nicely proofed.
  10. The time will vary and depends on the weather. The best temperature for proofing is 28C. You can place a cup of water in microwave and heat at high for 2 minutes to create a warm spot, once done then place the dough in to proof.
  11. Transfer to a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide the dough into eight equal portions. Knead into ball shapes. Cover and let them rest for 15 minutes.
  12. Knead each part into a long tube, depends on the length of your sausages. Roll to enclose the sausage, with seals facing down.
  13. Place rolls on a tray lined with baking paper, covered with cling wrap or a wet towel. Leave for the 2nd proofing, about 45 to 60 minutes or until double in size.
  14. Brush whisked egg on surface of rolls or lightly spray water on the shaped dough. Bake in a pre-heated 180C (356F) oven for 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer onto a wire rack and let cool completely.


350 克高筋粉
55 克糖
5 克盐
5至6克快速酵母(Instant Yeast)
7克奶粉 (增加香味,可不加)
56 克全蛋液 (一粒蛋)
100-125毫升水/牛奶 (慢慢加入避免面团过湿 )
120 克汤种 (做法参考此食谱)
30克牛油(奶油,置室温放软) (待面团起筋,即成团后,才加入)


选择面包机的basic功能,材料搞拌至成一面团,就放进已融解的牛油,继续搞拌,成一光滑面团。 测试面团搓到是否合格程度,面团可张开成一薄膜,而且坚韧即成。当面包机停机,等待面团第一次发酵完毕,见面团发大两倍就取出。

把所有A&B材料放入一盘中,酵母不直接接触到盐和糖就可以,以免酵母脱水死亡。搞拌至成一面团, 搓成有弹性和筋膜的面团。要有心理准备,面团会很胶粘的坚持搓下去,搓至完全光滑大约15分钟。加入软化的牛油再搓15分钟有至弹性,面团可张开成一薄膜即成。跟着用保鲜膜盖好,作第一次发酵,至面团发大两倍约2个钟头。用手指测试,如果手指戳的印象仍然存在,这印证了面团发得很好。

放在清洁的工作台上,洒点高筋粉。用手按压面团,挤出空气。切割成八个等份,滚圆,收口朝下。用保鲜膜盖着,静置15分钟。把每个面团分别搓成长条形视乎肠仔的长度,把肠仔卷起。如是者,把所有肠仔分别卷好,放在铺了baking paper的焗盘上。盖上保鲜膜或湿布进行最后发酵,至两倍大,约60分钟。
涂上蛋汁或轻轻喷一些水,放入预热至180C (356F) 的焗炉中,焗约25分钟,直至转金黄色为止。放在铁架上放凉,即成。


  1. These are incredible!! They are calling my name.

  2. Your sausage rolls look gorgeous, soft and fluffy.
    Congrats on your big success!
    Oh, they make me feel hungry right now. :)

  3. Chritine:
    Thanks. It is you who inspired me to Tangzhong bread making, you are my virtual mentor in bread making! :-P

  4. It has been a long time since I made sausage buns. Thanks for the reminder. Yours looks great.

  5. Looks so yummy, really great skills in break making, wonder whether I can do this.

  6. These buns turned out beautifully. They look just like the once sold in the best pastry shops in Montreal's Chinatown....mouthwatering with their light and fuffy texture.

  7. oh la la! Sausage roll just like home ;) I like it!

  8. I used the Tangzhong all the time. That looks great.

  9. YP, I tried the HK sausage buns, turned out a bit hard. :-( Maybe I should try the TZ method next time. Btw, have you tired making cheese sticks (baked, like the ones found in bakery)?

    1. BC, I tried to make bun using the normal way and texture also kind of hard if not adding bread improver.
      Were you hand knead or machine knead? Sometime dough not knead enough tend to have hard texture too.
      I've yet to try on cheese sticks will give it a try soon.

  10. I use machine to knead for about 3 min. Not sure whether more kneading is required? What is 2nd proofing for? (finer/softer texture?)

    I also tried the butter crumbs kaya buns. Its softer but not fluffy/cottony enough.

    1. To test the dough, just stretch whether the dough can extend into thin sheet, lightly transparent that you can see thru light and when the dough started to show tear sign into a nice hole. That texture means your dough is knead nicely and can go for 1st proofing.

      All my bread I used 2 proofing method. Yes, I do find bread proof twice texture more finer and softer. Some recipe use one time proofing but they add bread improver to soften the bread texture to save time and also can last longer.

      To have cottony texture, you have to try TZ method.
      Great to share this with you. Do give it a try on TZ and update me on result.

  11. Tanzhong is the secret of Asian breads

  12. Hi Yin, I followed ur recipe above by added in TangZhong, texture still hard.
    I cooked my tangzhong at 6am, let it cool at room temperature, then after 3 hours at abt 9:15am, i used it to make dough by using my bread maker. Together added with all others ingredients.

    1. I let the dough proofing for 3 rounds.

    2. Penny:
      When you took out the dough from the bread maker machine, did you try to see the texture of the dough can be stretch into thin layer?
      I suspect your dough not properly knead.

      When the dough not knead enough, bread tends to be hard and heavy and not soft and light.

      Next time, try to take out the dough and test the elasticity of the dough.If not reach the texture, try to knead by hand to get that consistency before you let it proof.

    3. Oh, by the way, over proving also will make the bread hard. Check on my post on failed bread that I posted before under bread category in my recipe index.

  13. Yes, i knead again the dough after knead in machine.
    This time, fren tasted my sausages rolls, they all said it is finally soft. Maybe my TZ not overnite in fridge earlier.
    Anyway, tq so much for ur advise.
    See u ard ya.

    1. Penny:
      A big thumb up to your never give up efforts! Hope to see you around more.Have a great baking experince.

  14. very nice. I really love sausage rolls (that my mom used to make for me, and these look just like it). I'll try make something out of it, even with my newbie cooking skills I think I can do this hehe. the only time I ever experimented with sausage rolls was in Hot Dog cooking game Papa's Hot Doggeria. Time for the real stuff^^

    1. Hi Libbie;
      Thanks for dropping by. Yes, I do believe as long as we put our heart into making something, even if you are newbie it will turn out to be good. Good luck.
